Gaining Leave-A-Mark Momentum
Last week at Calvary, as we wrapped up our study of Mark’s gospel, we talked about momentum. Closing the gap between hearing God and responding to God. The more we ignore God, the harder our hearts grow, but when we listen and respond, we gain momentum. (If you missed the message
One of the reasons I love the time from Thanksgiving through Christmas and onto New Year’s Day, is that it can be an amazing opportunity to gain some leave-a-mark momentum. So last weekend we talked about some potential momentum-gaining opportunities coming up.
1) Food Drive: We gave out over 500 grocery bags last weekend. Each grocery bag had two lists, a Thanksgiving Dinner list, and a food shelf general needs list. We are asking everyone to fill one of those lists and bring it back in your grocery bag. Bring your bags to 1250 University Drive, or Calvary Grays Woods, or Calvary Warriors Mark (No Midtown this week.) If you didn’t get a bag or list. Click Food Shelf List and you can still participate.
2) Leadership Advance: A 40 hour leadership intensive held from 3pm Friday, January 7 to 1pm Sunday, January 9. Though this experience draws primarily college students, this year, our schedule will make it available for non-college adults. Through personal assessments, team building activities and speakers, you will ponder how God has shaped you to leave a mark in the world. Click for more info.
3) Bountiful Breakfast and Christmas Cookie Sale: December 11th from 8am-1pm come and buy Christmas cookies and candy and have a great pancake, eggs and sausage breakfast. If you would be willing to bake cookies, please email
4) ONE% OFFERING: In my heart, one of the most important and most inspiring opportunities of the year. A gift of one% of our annual income to serve those in need around the world. The goal this year is a knee-knocking faith goal. But if reach it, we will leave an amazing mark around the world.
Gain some momentum. Respond. Serve. Give. Once upon a time Christmas changed the world. It still can.