Press Pause #5 – Those Who Seek Find

Feb 10th 2017
At Calvary we are in the midst of a teaching series on the Sabbath called “Press Pause.” As the series goes on, this blog will contain posts on Sabbath, some from me, some from guests. This one is from Scott Leddy who works with Lifegroups at Calvary.
As someone who can tend to be a bit of a homebody, you might think that having Sabbath be a consistent part of my life would be fairly easy.  Well, that’s pretty presumptuous of you!  In truth, I’ve never given it much thought.  Despite the fact that I’ve grown up in the church, I’ve never really thought that having a Sabbath as a deliberate part of my week was all that important.  As I’ve gotten older, and life has gotten more and more busy, I think that I was beginning to become more worn down by the pace that my life had taken.  As we began fleshing this Sabbath series out together, and I began to really look at my life, I was able to see the gaping hole that a Sabbath-free lifestyle had left. I think that one of the biggest sources of frustration wasn’t just the busyness of it all, but it was the sense that there was more of God to be experienced and it simply didn’t seem to be happening for me.
You may have noticed that we have a few book suggestions regarding Sabbath that have been placed out for you to consider buying.  I’ve been reading “24/6.” The author of the book made a statement that really resonated with me.  He said that Jesus promised us that those who seek Him will find Him…but we’ve got to have time available to do the seeking.  That brought some conviction!
I believe that some of the frustration that I’ve been feeling in my spiritual life is rooted in the fact that I’ve been missing the Stop-Day each week that will provide me with the time I need to pray, play, and simply enjoy my Awesome Father.  I’m really excited to continue this series and see what else the Holy Spirit has to teach me…but I’m even more excited to begin to put into practice what I’ve already learned and see my relationship with Jesus grow out of a place of rest and trust.