My Birthday
So today was my birthday. I’m older than 30 and younger than 50. Lynn was gone — first time I haven’t been with her on my birthday for about 26 years. Both of my daughters were gone. The gift that my family got me — seat covers for my jeep — didn’t fit. We went to Pep Boys to get a different set. They didn’t fit either. Which in the long run is okay because as we started off on a long jeep ride, the drive shaft fell out of my jeep — turning a long jeep ride with my boys turned into a short jeep ride with my boys. Then we almost ran out of gas in the Toyota. You could say it was a bad day.
But it wasn’t. It really was a pretty good day. I started the day out at Waffleshop eating breakfast with a local pastor and good friend, Jorn Junod. I paid for breakfast, but Jorn left a humongous tip which brought a huge smile to our waitresses face — might’ve been her first real smile of the morning. Then my boys took me to Starbucks. Then we did a little hiking at Shingletown Gap — pre-broken-drive-shaft. Then it was Karate Kid at the $1 theatre and we ended the night at Texas Road House… since there were only three of us I had the Dallas fillet. Oh yeah and Brett Farve is back in Minnesota.
And not to forget…throughout the day I had calls from Lynn and the girls, my mom and dad, 100+ “Happy Birthdays” on Facebook; and not only that but a handful of people donated to Myanmar in my honor — no better gift could you give me. (In fact if you would like to help a kid for me just click Myanmar.)
It was a good day.
Many of our days are like that aren’t they? Whether we put a “good” or a “bad” in front of our day, depends upon what circumstances we choose to focus on, hang on, and celebrate. Look in one direction — bad day. Look in another direction — good day. You don’t have to ignore the bad to celebrate the good…you just have to decide what matters more.
So now I’m about two minutes away from the end of my birthday. It was a good day. Thank you to everyone who was a part of a good day.