More Estonian Pastors
We started our second conference with Estonian pastors last night — another great group. In this group is Leho who leads a church in Tartu and is excited about a missionary couple from our network, coming to help them with youth work. I’m also getting a chance to know Meego, who is the president of the Baptist Union in Estonian — about 80 congregations throughout the nation. Thomas is a quite man with 10 children and a strong heart for prayer — I think the one leads to the other! Tovio is the director of the Estonian seminary, and a leader in Crossroads church in Tartu. Crossroads average age is 23. Then there is Pater and Urmas, they have a great heart for young people…tonight as we prayed at the prayer house, revival amongst the youth of Estonia was something that was very much in our hearts.
I spoke on the church without walls today…what an incredible privilege! Well we got home from the prayer time at about midnight…so I’m off to bed.