Loving Being a Dad
Today is one of those days when I’m just loving being a dad…and I’m not even home! Some of you might be thinking — well of course — it’s easy loving being a dad when you’re in Hawaii — with your wife — without your kids — and feasting your eyes on God’s creation of beauty (that includes Lynn!). Well okay…that might be the case. But let me tell you why I’m really loving being a dad today. I’ll go in order, oldest first.
Sarah: Sarah loves her sister Katy. So this weekend she sacrificed a little of her money (and a little of mine) and a lot of her time (none of mine) to drive to Minnesota to surprise Katy with her presence (and Lauren’s presence too). Katy cried. Today they are at the Mall of America. I cried. (Sarah has my credit card.) Every father loves seeing his kids love each other.
Katy: Katy is the first one of our family to take the big leap and leave home. Some of you know that’s not exactly an easy thing to do. She moved to Minnesota to go to college at Bethel University. Last week she got her first A on a test…psychology. She’s learning psychology, but she’s also learning about life. She’s experienced a little bit of homesickness but she’s doing great. Every father loves seeing his kids gain wisdom.
Jake: Jake went kayaking this week…on the Youghigany (I know I probably didn’t spell that right, but I’m in a hurry and it’ got a lot of vowels) in the rapids. You gotta face your fears and be willing to take a risk to do something like that. He rolled the kayak a few times, banged his head on the rocks a few times, but he made it. He took the risk, pushed his capacities and came out on the other side with a deeper sense of courage. Every father loves seeing his kids grow in courage.
Josh: I was on the phone with Josh this morning at 1:30am (Hawaii time) wishing him well for his football game in the Assemblies of God league. I hate missing games and this week they played the vaunted silver team. Two weeks ago silver beat us by 28 points. Josh called me at half-time (4am Hawaii time). They were ahead. Then I talked to him again at 5:30am (Hawaii time) and we had beaten silver. Josh even threw a couple of touchdown passes. It made my morning! And you know what every father loves to see his kids persevere. Get back up when you fail and go for it again.
Every father — think about this, God is our father — loves to see his kids grow in love, wisdom, courage and perseverance. And right now, at this moment, I’m loving being a dad. And it makes me want to give God the same kind of moment.