Looking Past
On Thursday while we were moving Katy into Bethel, I kept running into people from my past. I played college football with Randy Pate; he has a son who is a freshman at Bethel. I coached Ron Glazner; he has a daughter who is a freshman at Bethel, same floor as Katy. Then on Saturday I got befriended on facebook by a high school classmate — that’s one of the great things about facebook, making some social reconnections. Then Lynn and I spent Sunday night with Jay, Jimmy, BJ, Collin and Mike and some of their wives. We all played football at Bethel over 20 years ago — not the wives! — and sitting down around the table was like picking up where we all left off.
What a great group…very cool to see how God has used and shaped each one of them over the course of the years. It was a great night.
So this weekend has me thinking about people from my past, friends, teachers, coaches, people that I laughed with, played with, pulled pranks with, sought God with… I have so many people, to whom I owe a debt of gratitude for giving me some of those moments, and for letting God use them to shape me.
So I’m gonna send some letters, or maybe e-mails, or maybe a facebook message or two…just saying thanks. Who do you need to thank?