Leave a Mark in Myanmar…

Nov 12th 2010

Here is an opportunity for you to leave a mark in Myanmar.  Would you give $25 to leave a mark in Myanmar?

In January, I shared the story of a Buddhist priest in Myanmar who became a follower of Jesus. We’ll call him MS. IMG_2469MS’ story is shared a bit more indepth here (What Are Your Stories?)  It’s an amazing story of the way God’s grace leaves a mark on people.  But throughout this year, the story has continued.  MS is now serving children in a new orphanage that we are trying to support.

About 15 children — mostly refugees from the Nargis Cyclone that devastated Myanmar — Wonderful Calvaryare currently living in this Bamboo home and being cared for by MS and his family.  It’s an amazing story of hope and God’s grace.  They have named the home Wonderful Calvary in honor of the part that we have played in their lives.

In Myanmar the needs are great.  The average person earns less than $2/day.  Poverty is extreme and children die without help…and so many of them have never even heard of Jesus.  At the Wonderful Calvary home, a man who met Jesus about a year ago is serving 15 children who are just now learning about Jesus.

MS learned about Jesus at a Christmas Outreach put on by the leaders we support in Myanmar.  At a Christmas Outreach the leaders we support and students from the Bible School we have started will go into a village, offer food and clothing, and then share the Christmas Story.

Here is the need.  We would like to support 3 of these Christmas Outreach events — about $1500 each.  In addition the four orphanages that we support in Myanmar are in need of year-end support.  We have used up all our 1% funds from last year…prices have gone up and the value of the dollar in Myanmar has gone down.  We need about $6000  to cover the year-end needs.

In December we will collect our 1% offering and those dollars will help support these kids throughout 2011, but there is a need now.  Over 1000 people read this blog every month.  If each of us would give $25, the needs would be more than met.  Would you be willing to click the “GIVE” button on the upper left sidebar of this blog and make an investment in an ongoing story?  The “Give” button will give you a secure and easy way to give and every dollar we receive will go to the kids!

Three Christmas Outreach Events — Feed and Cloth almost 200 children from now through Christmas.  Would you give $25?  Click the “give” button to the left and leave a mark on Myanmar.