Do You See Jesus?

Jun 05th 2010

What do you see?  I’ve been thinking about that question this week as I ponder the story of Jesus inviting Peter to go for a walk in the rembrandt_christ_in_the_storm_on_the_sea_of_galilee storm.  You know the story?  It’s found in Matthew 14:22-33.  The disciples are going through a storm…actually more like stuck in a storm.  Jesus comes walking on the water in the midst of the storm.  They see him, but only sorta see him.  They think he’s a ghost.  He keeps going — they almost missed him.  But Peter calls out, “Jesus if it’s really you, invite me to come out to you on the water.”  Jesus says, “Come.”

He started walking on the water… but then he saw the wind.  Have you ever seen the wind?  He took his eyes off Jesus.  He saw the wind and he began to sink.   His circumstances became more real to him than Jesus.  Sometimes it is so easy for us to miss Jesus in the storms of life.  We assume that the presence of a storm is proof of the absence of Jesus, when the reality is that Jesus does some of his best work in storms.

Here is the point…at least for me.  What we see will shape how and where we walk.  More to the point — if we see Jesus, we can make it through any storm.   In fact we can do more than make it through the storm, we might find ourselves face to face with Jesus — an encounter that leaves us breathlessly full of worship.

I like what Al Denson once wrote…

When you recognize God as creator, you will admire him.  When you recognize his wisdom, you will learn from him.  When  you discover his strength, you will rely on him.  But only when he reaches down and saves you, can you worship him.

Peter called out in panic.  He lifted up his arms and Jesus pulled him up — saved him.  Then they got in the boat, the storm stopped and the disciples were amazed.  There in a boat by the light of the moon, they fell to their knees in worship.  Are you in a storm?  Rowing with all your might but going nowhere?  Wondering where in the world is this storm-walking Jesus,  you have heard so much about?  Run to the storm, not away from it.   He does some of his best work…in storms.