A Bare Hint of the Father
I just spent the last three days with my girls in New York City — well two of my girls, Lynn had to stay home with the boys. I’m sitting here late at night after a day spent at Madame Toussade’s Wax Museum, a carriage ride in Central Park, shopping at Bloomingdales, and the Broadway Theatre version of legally blonde. I’m sitting at the window overlooking the lights of Manhattan at 3 in the morning — just thinking back over the last few days.
And here is what I’m thinking… I just love to see my kids smile. I loved surprising Sarah and Katy with my generosity. I loved it when they smiled, and laughed when we got in the limo for our tour. I loved the look on their faces when we were able to get Bailey Hanks autograph after legally blonde. I loved being able to give them a little extra cash for a pair of jeans… (I do get annoyed when they fight over clothes so they each got their own pair!)
Anyway did you ever wonder if God as holding out on you? Do you ever wonder if somehow He has forgotten about you, or somehow something you did, disqualified you from receiving a blessing from God? Sometimes I have and sometimes I do. But there was a point somewhere this weekend, as I was watching the girls smile…when my heart was just getting kinda full…where I sensed God saying, “And do you really think you love them more than I love you? I get just as much joy from blessing you, as you get from blessing them. You just have to remember that you are my son…and I am your Father.
I think that’s what Paul is getting at in Romans 8:31-32 “What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won’t he also give us everything else?” It could be that what we make of the fact that God is our Father is heart-shaping center of our faith. What do you make of the fact that God is your Father?
This week, my desire to bless my daughters gave me just a bare hint of Father God…and that’s a good thing — even at 3 in the morning!