What’s Wrong with this Picture?
So this video from the “Skit Guys” has been making the mini-rounds. It’s a parody of a couple of Christians reaching out to their neighbors. It made me laugh…and it made me think. It put me into a “what’s wrong with this picture?” evaluation. So watch the video and then I’ll share my what’s-wrong thoughts.
1) He’s giving sweater-vests a bad name! If you know me, you know I appreciate a good sweater-vest. I’m really bummed thinking that people might assume that all sweater-vest wearers are like him. :)
2) He has to introduce himself to his neighbor. Jesus said that the second greatest commandment is to love our neighbors like we love ourselves. Which is worse for a non-follower of Jesus to only show up at church on Christmas or Easter? or For a follower of Jesus to only talk to their neighbors the day before Christmas and Easter? I realize sometimes evangelism is an on the spot encounter with someone I don’t know, but when it’s an actual geographical neighbor — shouldn’t relationship precede invitation?
3) Hypocrisy: The pagan neighbors have trashy secular easter decorations, but it’s okay for the Christians to use easter eggs as an evangelistic strategy. I’m just wondering who needs to hang on to that big ol’ sin egg?
4) Take a breath! The Jesus-followers don’t listen much and when they finally do listen — they have no idea what to do next. The most effective evangelism involves listening. Listening to people and listening to God.
5) They missed a divine appointment. He said yes. God had prepared his heart so well that neither “easter eggs representing something you did wrong” nor smiles that show more than teeth, could stop him from saying yes. But they missed it. Good evangelism is a work of the Spirit of God, don’t miss the Spirit’s lead.
6) They didn’t expect a yes. Jesus once said that the harvest (people interested in God) is plentiful but the workers are few. We tend to believe that the harvest is small and there are plenty of workers. Go to your neighbor with an expectation (it’s called faith in Jesus-book) that God is already at work.
7) The one thing right with this picture? Golf is a pagan game. :)