Sunday at Agape
We worshiped today — Burmese style. The building was filled with Buddhists — they had to sit through every word I said, TWICE, in order to be fed — children from 4 different orphanges, and pastors, missionaries, and 18 people about to be baptized.
First we did the baptisms, one whole family turned in their Buddhist robes this week and decided to become followers of Jesus. I’ll tell their story later. One 81 year old man followed Jesus in Baptism, followed by children, men and women. It was glorious.
Then we had church. I preached on “The God Who Loves to Bless Us,” Calvary Bible School students sang, and we celebrated communion. And of course there was prayer — I love listening to them pray — it is a holy, beautiful cacophony of prayer, with such urgency and desperation. Before the three hour worship gathering was done, we had an ordination service, so far I have had the privilege of ordaining 3 pastors in Myanmar, they consider themselves part of the Calvary team. They are young men of God who take their calling so seriously, it was an honor to be a part of that moment.
Then we spent the afternoon playing with the children — which I am convinced is, in and of itself, an act of worship.
I will tell you this. God is up to something in Myanmar.
I can’t tell you what a thrill it is to know that we (Calvary) have a part in building God’s kingdom around the world. As my day ends here, the first worship gathering at Calvary will just be getting started. From one side of the world to the other, we will be lifting up Jesus and tell God thank you.
May your day be as full and fun as mine has been.
What a wonderful testimony.