Some Stuff Happening

Aug 03rd 2009

I shared this in my D-News Update, so if you get that, you already got this…but if not, just some cool stuff going on around Calvary.

1)  We baptized 13 people two weekends ago — 5 at 1250 and 8 at Grays Woods.  I love doing baptisms.  It is a thrill and a privilege to hear people affirm their confession of faith in Jesus and their commitment to follow Jesus wherever He leads for the rest of their lives.  What a cool deal to have our first baptisms at our Grays Woods gathering.  Way to go!

2)  Our  mission teams in Estonia and Rwanda got back last week.  I’m already starting to hear some of the stories and get my heart pumped by the pictures.  Meanwhile this summer we have already had a team go to the Dominican Republic and another one go to Rwanda.  And this is just the teams, we also just sent a young lady back to Iraq to teach English and serve two congregations.  I love Calvary’s heart for people all over the world.  One related random thought — God has us living in a place where we don’t have to leave home to have a heart for people from all over the world.  Look for an opportunity to serve someone from another country — here.

3)  Every Friday this summer, pastors from around the community have been getting together to pray.  If you think about it, pray that more join us.

4)  Almost two years ago, Calvary helped to start a Bible school in Myanmar.  Last year the school had about 10 students, we thought this year there might be about 15.  There are 30!  90% of these students have expressed God’s calling to either be a missionary in Myanmar, start a house church in Myanmar, or start an orphanage in Myanmar.  If you would like to sponsor one student for a year.  It’s just $550.  Let me know.

5) Spoke this week on James 4:1-10 — James has the antidote for the poison that is killing our hearts.  If you want to listen click “reCalculating Prayer.”  Down below.