MM Mission #1

Feb 22nd 2011

This won’t be a long post, hopefully the internet access in country will be decent enough that I can post a few times in this next week.

But we have made it to Bangkok. Got to a hotel about 12:30am for a few hours rest and a shower. Now in about an hour we’ll be back at the airport for the last leg of our journey to MM.

Dan and Chris, my traveling partners have done well as well. Lynn wouldn’t let me go by myself again, and I’m glad that both of them were willing and able. Looking forward to hanging out with both of them.

Not sure what all is in store for us this week, but certainly appreciate your prayers for a good journey through customs, for our hearts to be expanded for the kids, and for God to give us the resources to serve.

I’ve been studying the life of Adoniram Judson this last week, one of the first missionaries to MM. Wow. Amazing guy. Amazing heart for the MM people. Amazing sacrifices. In his lifetime he started a handful of churches, he led less than a thousand personally to the Lord — but if you ask a Christian in MM, almost everyone traces his or her spiritual heritage back to Judson. Amazing fruit. John Piper in talking about Judson once said, “We will all die, the question is, will we die with that kind of fruit?!”