
Jan 21st 2011

Imagine walking with Jesus, it’s only hours before the cross, he has begun to describe for you a series of events that will lead to his death on a cross, his departure from the dreams that have begun to develop in your heart.  You think it’s over.  greater-thanYou can’t see how it will ever be the same.  The dream is dead.  But then Jesus says these words…

Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.  And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. (John 14:12-13

It almost seems like Jesus is saying that it’s better, if he leaves.  The dream need not die because he’s gone, in fact you will see that it becomes an even greater dream.  That’s what Jesus is saying.  Does that stir up your heart?  I wonder how often we settle for something less than greater-than?  How often does less-than become our normal.  Perhaps Jesus wants us to seek a new normal…

This weekend we start a new series at Calvary — Greater-Than — what do those words mean?  Here is what they are not…  they are not words meant to encourage us to “just try harder.”  They are not words describing what is necessary to earn God’s love.  They are not words merely describing our “bigger is better” standards of success.

This “greater-than” call from Jesus is meant to stir our hearts.  They are words of hope spoken to people who felt like their dreams were dying.  They are words of promise to someone looking for a for-sure to build upon.  They are words of calling to those who want to leave a mark.

I invite you to come and spend some time with us the next few months, every weekend… seeking a new normal — greater-than…