A Christmas Conspiracy
Do you realize that Christmas started as a conspiracy? Read the story. It was a subversive underground movement to change the world and establish a new Kingdom. So the question is… what happened? The story of Christ’s birth is a story of wonder, courage, relational giving and revolutionary love. How could the celebration of this story turn into a season of shopping lists, stress, traffic jams and bad office parties? Then when it’s over we are left with Christmas debt and the heart-whisper that somehow we missed something of great significance. The first Christmas changed the world. What if Christmas became a world-changing, heart-shaping event once again?
How do we join the conspiracy? Seek Jesus. Risk More. Give Presence. Love All. Those four calls will form the foundation of our conspiracy.
How do we join the conspiracy? Join together in our Operation Christmas Connect 1% Offering to serve kids all around the world. This weekend at Calvary we’ll hear about how we can serve the children at the Rose of Sharon orphanage in the Dominican Republic. Think about what a difference we could make in the lives of a few hundred children if we were to give 1% of our annual income to serve them? It would be like Christmas all year around — for them and us.
How do we join the conspiracy? Ponder the information you can find at the following websites.
Empty Tombs — Let your heart be broken by the things that break the heart of God. 29,000 children a day under the age of 5…die from preventable poverty conditions. We can make a difference.
Global Rich List — Don’t think you’re rich? Find your place amongst the world’s rich elite and thank God for blessing us so that we can be a blessing.
I Am Second — A very cool website which shares dozens of stories about how people have made Jesus first in their lives. Isn’t that what Christmas is all about? Seek Jesus.
Advent Conspiracy — Churches joining together in the conspiracy. Lots of good information.
Rethinking Christmas — A great website for those who want to buy less and give more meaningful gifts. Good ideas for the non-crafty or creative. Like me! :)