20 Days Away

May 28th 2009

So let’s see my last blog post was May 8th.  Wow.  20 days goes fast.  For those of you who had gotten into a slight habit of checking my blog on a somewhat consistent basis.  Sorry.  I’m sure you found plenty to do, but I hope you come back.  What happened during those 20 days?

Well it started with a whole church website makeover — which led to a change in webhost providers — which led to a few days where both our Calvary website and my blog were unavailable — which then led to one day where my blog was back and I posted (May 8th) — which then led to a mysterious disappearance of my whole blog — which then led to a partial reappearance of not my whole blog — which then led to a series of e-mails between myself and our wonderful Calvary webteam (in this particular case especially Matt) — which then led to a number of days where Matt spent time in the cyberworld searching for my lost posts (which he did for like a week or longer, time loses meaning in cyberworld) — which then led to him finding and restoring my lost posts.  Yeah.

So that accounted for somewhere around 10 days give or take a few (sometimes time loses meaning in danworld as well).  As for the other 10 or so.  I just got out of the habit.

But for what it’s worth, in the words of Arnold S. or Terminator fame —